Saturday, October 25, 2008

Town #16 Thomaston

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thomaston Opera House * Black Rock Tavern

Simon Gledhill, from England, performed on the theater organ at Thomaston Opera House. He is also an investment banker and is on a two-week U.S. tour. Mike Foley sent us the announcement of the performance and we met the group there that we see at his concerts. The concert was good, but overall we found theater music a little redundant after a while. Maybe it was just Gledhill's style. We got tickets online for $18 each. The theater is old and quaint and offers various performances during the year.

Afterward, our group went to the Black Rock Tavern, a short walk from the opera house. Service was very slow, as though they didn’t expect the crowd from the opera house. The food was good, but the French fries were very salty. Bob had a pork and cheddar sandwich and I had a warm beef sandwich. ($58 for performance and food) (Jan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I like your description "redundant" for theatre organ concerts. One year we subscribed to their series at Thomaston and at a high school further down the Naugatuck Valley. Then we went back to church organs!