Thursday, October 23, 2008

Town #6 Pomfret

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Mark Erelli at the Vanilla Bean

We went to the Vanilla Bean, a truly unique restaurant/coffeehouse for supper and a coffeehouse event. We had a delicious meal—mozzarella ravioli with basil in a tomato cream sauce topped with asparagus. We worked on a piece of fudge chocolate cake that we shouldn't have gotten and waited for the entertainment of the evening. Folk singer/songwriter Mark Erelli performed with Zack Hickman on bass. Erelli’s music was pretty good for the most part, though with a little too much of the blues for our likes. Hickman on bass was quite good and we enjoyed watching and listening to him. They did an encore, however, that brought a standing ovation. We would like to have heard more of that style. ($43 for supper and dessert, $30 for the performance) (Jan)

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