Sunday, September 20, 2009

Town #51 Colchester

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Diane's * Gallery Cinema

Being a rainy day with tropical storm Danny off the East Coast, I decided to take us to lunch and a movie, though I kept Jan in the dark about specifics. Since we’d been to Harry’s Place (a very well known and neat place for clams, fries, burgers, ice cream, and more), I had to select somewhere else to eat to qualify as a new place for our CT travels. We had a list of diners where Joe Liebermann had eaten, and Diane’s Restaurant was listed as one. They do not have a web site, and online reviews were sketchy at best. Some reviews, however, provided some very favorable comments. Their hours are 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. and, although one page of their four-page menu was for lunch items—almost as an afterthought, they have an extensive breakfast menu. The only specials on the boards at noon were for breakfast. We took the hint. We found the place in a small strip mall and almost missed it; there is a sign around a corner, but no sign on the building. It’s definitely a mom and pop place, visited mostly by local people. It definitely has a hometown flair. I had a delicious seafood benedict and Jan had stuffed french toast with peaches and strawberries that was not overly sweet as stuffed french toast can be. That and coffee set us back only $18. Afterward, we went to the nearby Gallery Cinema and saw Julie and Julia. It was a cute picture, about Julia Child, and Julie Powell’s blog about cooking all 524 of Julia’s recipes in 365 days. It was a good way to spend a rainy afternoon. ($10, “matinee special.”) (Bob)

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