Sunday, August 30, 2009

Town #39 Tolland (visit #3)

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tolland Garden Tour

Tolland Garden Paths presented Gardens of Visions and Inspira-tion, a self-guided tour of nine private gardens in Tolland. We picked up our “tickets” in the form of a descriptive booklet, with an excellent map. Each involved driving to a well marked property with organized parking. We were handed a site map with notes of highlights for which to search.

We saw five of the nine gardens, all excellent. We saw many plant varieties and creative garden designs, all of which showed a great investment in time. The booklet described each site’s garden in detail, giving a brief history of its beginnings. The hosts were friendly and informative and answered questions readily. We asked about their deer problems which everyone agreed was an issue. Their ways of handling deer destruction varied. Listed are the gardens we enjoyed. Descriptions are in the booklet.

The Leonard gardens
The Shirley gardens

The Ludwig gardens
The Feller gardens
The Couture gardens

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