Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Town #48 Middlefield

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lyman Orchards

Lyman Orchards advertised a Strawberry Fest for this weekend. They open early for breakfast, so we both had Belgian waffles with strawber-ries and whipped cream. For $13, two waffles, two coffees, it was very good. We sat on the deck overlooking a pond with a fountain and plenty of an assortment of water fowl. The morning was cool, but we ate out anyway; there is dining inside as well. Inside the shop, there was a large selection of fruits, vegetables, preserves, etc. to purchase.

Being strawberry pickin’ season, we drove the quarter mile or so to the top of a hill and picked four quarts of juicy strawberries at $1.75 a pound. Picking was good and the berries were tasty. We didn’t want to take too many berries for the first picking, so we paid for our bounty and left. We set the GPS for West Hartford and turned off “quickest route,” and “highways,” so we could enjoy the back country roads. It was worth it as the rural area was picturesque and we passed many nice homes. (Bob)

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